Graciela - October 2024
Graciela is living with a C5/C6 spinal cord injury. She has been unable to drive her adaptive vehicle for quite some time as it needed repairs and new parts. NAF was happy to help and she is back on the road. "Thank you so much for all your help. I'm finally able to drive again"

Matthew - October 2024
Matthew, age 28, had a traumatic injury. He is paralized from the waist down. Matthew and his parents needed his bathroom door widened. "We all really appreciate the widening door frame and door. Matthew can easily maneuver the entrance to his bathroom." says Dad. We're happy to assist.

Omar - August 2024
Omar, age 42, had a traumatic fall. He is back driving, but needs to bring his 13 year old son with him to carry his current manual wheelchair into the car. Omar needed a custom, ultra light wheelchair that he can manage for himself. His therapist says, "Client received the wheelchair 3 days ago and looks great in it."

Ronnie - May 2024
Ronnie, age 58, was hit by an 18 wheeler in a motor vehicle accident. He needed help with a hoyer lift and shower chair. They sent a beautiful thank you note to share.

Nathaniel - May 2024
After Nathaniel, 22, was paralyzed in a motorcycle accident, he needed hand controls to be able to drive his vehicle. NAF was honored to be able to purchase and install them in his truck.

Brandi - August 2024
Brandi, age 43, was stabbed in the back. Brandi has a tiny home behind her parents' house. She needed a ramp to get out of her home. Brandi is not able to go out without full assistance of two people due to an unstable temporary ramp from her parent's home. NAF was happy to assist with a permanent, stable ramp out of Brandi's home giving her independence and self-sufficiency.

Wisdom - May 2024
Huge shoutout to Huffines Chrysler Jeep Dodge RAM Plano for helping to fix Wisdom's wheelchair van. Without his van, Wisdom, age 20, isn't able to go to his doctor appointments which are essential for his health. Many thanks to the kind folks who work at Huffines for their generosity.

Juan - April 2024
NAF provided Juan, age 57, with an Adapt Solution Asento Seat as he was having trouble pulling himself into his truck
seat due to damage to his shoulders. The new seat comes out of the vehicle so he can transfer to it, and it lifts him into his truck. We were honored to assist.

Abu - April 2024
Abu, age 13, has spina bifida. His dad sent thanks for the stair lift NAF funded in collaboration with PMR Charity . "I am writing to express my sincere gratitude for your [NAF] exceptional help, support, and guidance. Your dedication and compassion have made a profound impact on my family. You have indeed brought happiness to my family, especially my son ABU. Thank you so much, all of you. And God Bless you and your families as well. Thank you to MobilityWorks Company for the excellent quality of service provided."

Angel - February 2024
15 year old Angel sustained a C5 spinal cord injury when he was wrestling. His mother, Nely, was not able to work because she had to stay in the hospital with him
as he is a minor. She was terminated for job abandonment, and she wasn't eligible for FMLA. Nely needed assistance with one month's rent on their apartment. NAF was honored to provide the one month's rent as requested by Angel's case manager at his rehab hospital.

Hudson - January 2024
Hudson, age 8, is unable to move independently, but does have some mobility with his left upper extremity to access switches. He communicates via eye gaze. His teacher applied for switches with adaptive toys and games to interact with other children at school and his family at home. Hudson felt independent being able to 'roll dice' just by hitting a switch. With NAF's help, Hudson is playing games with classmates and family. Such JOY!

Jerry - November 2023
Jerry, age 68, is living with tetraplegia due to a cervical spine surgery. His social worker requested that NAF provide fully electric upgrades for his bed and a standing
frame. Jerry's current therapist shares his progress, "I am a PT at Reunion Rehabilitation in Arlington and have the pleasure of working with Jerry, a patient who has previously been assisted by your foundation. During this rehab course, he is now standing in the parallel bars! This is possible in part due to the standing frame which your foundation provided for his in-home therapy. Here is a photo which Jerry gave me permission to share with you, along with his gratitude!"

Melody - November 2023
Melody, age 2, has severe scoliosis. Her therapist reached out to NAF to fund Melody's activity chair. Her insurance repeatedly denied coverage. The Special Tomato chair allows Melody to be fully supported while on the floor. This level of seating is great for interaction between children with special needs and peers that are playing on the floor.

Brina - November 2023
Brina, age 30, sustained a spinal stroke. Her case manager reached out to NAF to provide a power wheelchair while she waits for a manual wheelchair provided by insurance. NAF was honored to provide a power wheelchair to get her moving againto walk her dog. Brina sent us a wonderful note, "I am writing to let you know that I received the power chair this morning, and I am so, so incredibly grateful. I really can’t express in words how thankful I am to you. This wheelchair will make it so I can continue to get around my house independently and take my service dog on walks, regardless of shoulder pain/injury and upcoming arm surgeries. I just can’t thank you enough. I honestly am not sure what I would have done without your help."
Kerby - September 2023
Kerby, age 8, has severe scoliosis. Her doctor applied to NAF for a medical car seat as this is not covered by insurance.

Mark - August 2023
Mark, age 43, had a motor vehicle accident while visiting DFW. The accident destroyed his power wheelchair, and he could not return home without rehabilitation and a replacement wheelchair. His therapist applied to NAF for a power wheelchair. Mark was able to return home safely in his new wheelchair. "You guys have been so great with even providing me for a power wheelchair, that's I'm very grateful for ... the chair itself is a great blessing to me thank you."

Matt - July 2023
NAF was so happy to provide a travel wheelchair for our client, Matt. Everyone has heard horror stories about traveling with a wheelchair and Matt lives with that fear every time he boards a plane.
"Lately, I have been flying more than ever due to work/volunteer commitments and it’s a nerve wracking experience to have my only source of mobility loaded in and out of planes each time."
Matt researched some folding travel wheelchairs and NAF purchased one for him. He sent us this email - "It’s working great so far! Took this photo this morning in NYC. This was our first flight with the chair, and we were able to fold it and store in the main cabin since it folds down so small. So much less stress! Has made our trip so much more enjoyable and easy. Thank you again for making it happen!"
Jeremiah - June 2023
Jeremiah, age 12, was born with tetraplegia cerebral palsy and severe scoliosis. Jeremiah and his mom lives in a home with stairs. It's difficult to move Jeremiah up and down the stairs as he gets older. NAF purchased a mobile stair lift to help mom get him to bed and to his daily activities.
River - June 2023
River - age 4, has neuromuscular scoliosis due to cerebral palsy and epilepsy. Mom requested a special tomato seat so she can put it in her wagon to transport River to the hospital and community events. He has a custom wheelchair but is often uncomfortable in it for longer periods of time. A wagon also allows mom to bring all of his necessary medical supplies.
Grady - May 2023
Grady, age 4, has Pallister-Killian Syndrome and scoliosis. He cannot fit commercial car seats and require a medical car seat. NAF was happy to provide the car seat to keep him safe while traveling to his multitude of appointments.
Kevin - May 2023
Kevin, age 15, was referred to NAF after he had surgery on a spinal cord tumor at a local children's hospital. Feeling in his lower body did not come back post-surgery and his therapist requested assistance with rehab for him. NAF was happy to provide rehab assistance and we are hoping Kevin continues to make progress.

Daniil - March 2023
This is what it is all about! Look at that smile!
Daniil is 9 years old and needed a power wheelchair which NAF dropped off at his school. His school therapist said, "He's doing great for a first time driver! He loves everything about it. Just being able to move himself means so much."
Alison - February 2023
Alison, age 8, has neuromuscular scoliosis due to an inoperable, untreatable brain tumor. Due to her progressively worsening neuro-cognitive status, Alison is now unable to walk independently. NAF provided a custom tilt-in-space wheelchair because insurance has repeatedly denied her doctor' order for wheelchair.

Aliyah and Zayleen - December 2022
In collaboration with Jeremiah's Voice, NAF assisted Aliyah and Zayleen with their Hope for the Holidays program. Look at these darlings!
Evelyn - September 2022
Evelyn, age 14, has a genetic disorder that is causing a degenerative decline in muscle strength. Her physician said she needed a Bi-Pap machine for her health and when her family couldn't afford to purchase it, NAF happily stepped in to assist.
Cynthia - June 2022
Cynthia - age 21, sustained a T2 spinal cord injury in a motor vehicle accident in April. Her insurance would not pay for any medical equipment to help her shower/bathe as they don't consider it a "medical necessity". Her case manager reached out to NAF to ask for a specific padded shower chair which Cynthia desperately needed. NAF provided a RAZ JAZ Self-Propelling shower chair per her therapists specifications. Although Cynthia's insurance company feels this is not a necessity, we definitely do!

Robert - May 2022
Robert, age 51, needed hand controls to allow him to drive independently and not rely on his family for transportation. NAF was happy to provide assistance to give Robert his independence. "It's nice to able to use her [his wife] car now."
Raul - April 2022
Raul, age 34, had an anterior cervical discectomy and fusion. His therapist applied to NAF for a standing frame to assist him with sit to stand transfers/ A standing frame helps patients maintain a standing position in a safe, supportive environment while performing functional activities. They are recommended for various reasons, including to: Encourage hip development and improve hip stability; Maintain a straight and symmetrical posture; Prevent contractures of the hip, knee and ankle; Promote health by reducing sedentary behaviors; Increase a person’s metabolic rate, Improve bone strength, cardiovascular, respiratory, digestive and bowel function, and general well-being; Support face-to-face social interaction with peers by supporting a person’s upright position.

James - March 2022
It's so nice to hear from families of those we've helped. James is 20-years-old and was spinal cord injured in a motor vehicle accident. He has a T6 injury and discharged from the hospital at the end of last year. His father sent us such a lovely note.
We are sharing this note with everyone who helps us continue our mission.

Elijah - March 2022
We just love this photo of Elijah, age 3. Elijah is living with Neuromuscular Scoliosis and he needed a P-Pod chair to help his postural support. We love providing this product to our kids because it makes such a difference in their home life and comfort. Can you tell what his favorite color is?
Iliana - February 2022
Iliana, age 8, is living with neuromuscular scoliosis and respiratory failure. Her physician requested that NAF provide her with a Sleep Safe bed and we were happy to provide one. A Sleep Safe bed ($6,000 - $10,000) is considered durable medical equipment and is specially designed in cooperation with therapists and other caregiving professionals for children with Special Needs, particularly those with physical and cognitive disabilities.

Ryan - January 2022
Ryan sustained a spinal cord injury while in the military from multiple airborne jumps and lead blasts. The VA has been helping Ryan since his discharge but he had been waiting over a year for them to put a concrete sidewalk outside his home's back door so he could have access to his backyard. When we were alerted to Ryan's predicament, we jumped in to get the job done. This photo shows a true American hero. We were so inspired to be a part of increasing his mobility. We salute you Ryan!
Haden - January 2022
Haden, age 15, was referred to NAF after he had surgery on a spinal cord tumor at a local children's hospital. Feeling in his lower body did not come back post-surgery and his therapist requested assistance with rehab for him. NAF was happy to provide rehab assistance and we are hoping Haden continues to make progress.

Haley - January 2022
Haley - age 15. We were alerted to Haley's desperate need for a postural support seating system by a wonderful nonprofit in our community - Jeremiah's Voice Inc.
We were so happy to provide Haley with a P-Pod chair in her favorite color.

Caleigh - January 2022
We are honored for the role we get to play in bringing greater independence and mobility to the children in our community.
Caleigh is one of our newest family members. She is 14 years-old and is living with neuromuscular scoliosis. We were so happy to be able to help her obtain a Flexabed (Hi-Low Adjustable bed). Her smile says it all!!

Angelique - October 2021
Angelique needed help with the purchase of a 6-Way Power seat from MobilityWorks so she could transfer from her wheelchair to the driver's seat. NAF was happy to help her get back on the road and independent once again! Thanks to Chris Goad for your help!
Maximus - September 2021
NAF was able to provide a physician requested Splashy bath seat and a GoTo Activity Seat for Maximus, age 5. Items such as the Splashy and GoTo Activity seat are lightweight, portable and provide postural support to make daily tasks easier. With these items, kids don't need to miss out. These items provide independence that lets kids see the world from a new perspective and feel they're at the heart of the action.
Natasha - August 2021
"I just want to thank you for providing the funding to have my van converted to where I can drive it. It has been such a blessing to be able to have the independence again to drive myself around. I can't express or even begin to tell you how this has helped my life in these last two weeks. You and NAF have really blessed my life. Thank you so much." ~Natasha - Arlington, TX - paralyzed after back surgery

Carter - August 2021
Carter, age 6. Carter is living with neuromuscular scoliosis and his physician requested some special mobility equipment for him that his insurance had denied.
NAF was happy to provide the McLaren Major Elite Push Chair stroller to help with mobility. This push chair is specifically designed for children with special needs. Carter looks so happy with his new chair!
Carter's mother sent us this photo with the caption - “Carter riding in style!”
Thomas - September 2021
Thomas, age 1, is living with neuromuscular scoliosis and his physician requested that NAF purchase him a Splashy bath seat to use at home and at the waterpark. With the new Splashy, Thomas can bath safely at home and enjoy the kids area at the waterpark during these hot summer days.

Chuck and his caregiver, India – June 2021
Chuck is living with a C3 spinal cord injury from falling in his bathroom. We are so happy to be able to provide equipment for Chuck's home to make his life easier.

Korbin - May 2021
We're so glad Korbin and his family are happy with their new Safety Sleeper System. Korbin, age 3, has neuromuscular scoliosis and his physician requested we provide him with the system as he had outgrown his crib but a regular bed was not safe for him.
"I can’t thank y’all enough for helping us provide this bed for our son. We have struggled for 6 months trying to get insurance to cover this bed and we’re denied multiple times. This bed has provided not only a safe place for our son to sleep, but also peace of mind for us as parents knowing he can’t get hurt. He absolutely loves his “big boy” bed. Even his big brother has asked to sleep with him! We are eternally grateful for your generosity and support for our son. "
~ Korbin's Mom

James - February 2021
James is 19 years old and sustained a T6 spinal cord injury in a motor vehicle accident. James is insured but his insurance would not pay for his specialized shower chair. We were honored to purchase this necessary item for him. Keeping our clients self-sufficient is our number one goal!
"I would like to express our immense gratitude for the funding of a shower chair for my son James. We have been overwhelmed by the kindness of so many people. May of whom, like you, are strangers to us. As you can imagine, this situation is trying and a bit overwhelming. We thank God every day for everyone's kindness. We have faith that James will walk again. When he does, know that we will pass this gift along to someone in need." God Bless, Chris
Christian - December 2020
Christian, age 23, sustained a spinal cord injury to his T8 vertebrae from a gunshot wound. He was insured but his insurance policy doesn't pay for any durable medical equipment. His case manager reached out to NAF to request assistance with his mobility equipment when he went home from the hospital. NAF was happy to purchase his manual wheelchair, transfer bench and drop-arm commode so that Christian would be able to be independent in his home.

McKenna - December 2020
McKenna, age 2. NAF got to provide McKenna with a wheelchair and some ramps for her home.

Joe - November 2020
Joe, age 28, was injured last year and is living with a spinal cord injury. He wanted to get back to driving so NAF jumped in and helped get new hand controls installed in his vehicle.

Savannah - November 2020
Savannah, 2 years-old, just had spinal surgery due to a tethered spinal cord. Her family needed help with some expenses, and her case manager reached out to us to help. We never want parents worrying about bills while they have a child in the hospital. We were happy to take a little pressure off her father during this month of "Thanksgiving".

Aracely - November 2020
Aracely was paralyzed by a drunk driver several years ago. NAF helped Aracely get back on the road with new hand controls for her vehicle. When she requested our assistance, she said "I want to be able to take my daughter to school".

Sarai - November 2020
Sarai sustained a T7 spinal cord injury. She has four children and needed some help with rent while she recovers.

Brian - October 2020
Brian is an amazing 21 year-old who was injured in a car accident. Brian sustained a spinal cord injury and his therapist, Ashley, reached out to NAF to get him a manual wheelchair. We were happy to help and Brian now has his wheels. Keeping our clients independent and mobile in their communities is our mission.

Wisdom - September 2020
Wisdom is an amazing 16 year-old living with severe scoliosis. His dad reached out to NAF when the air conditioning broke in their wheelchair van. Summer in Texas is not the time to go without A/C! NAF repaired the A/C and Wisdom is able to visit his doctor again.

Nichole - September 2020
"On 6/8/2011, I was on my way home from work and I was hit from behind by someone texting and driving. After making it to the hospital and speaking with the doctor, I knew I would have a long road ahead of me because I was diagnosed with a T-12 spinal cord injury. While in the hospital for a whole year I had to learn how to swallow and talk and I am still trying to learn how to walk again. I am so happy to have this second chance at life again.
I am grateful to have continued to be able to raise my son and to witness him make many accomplishments in his life. I am so grateful for Neuro Assistance and the beautiful work that this organization has accomplished. It seems like when it is hard to navigate a situation, I first pray and then call Cindi with NAF and she has been able to assist me.
I do not take it for granted and appreciate everything this organization has done for me. This new normal for me has its ups and downs but with God on my side, I know I can make it. Thank God I don’t look like what I have been through. "

Uchechi - September 2020
Uchechi, age 17, was born with spina bifida. Her wheelchair didn’t fit through her bathroom doorway (as most wheelchairs won’t). Uchechi’s physician contacted NAF to see if we could widen the doorway for her. We were happy to help! Uchechi’s home is now barrier free.
Ava - March 2020
Ava, 3-years old, can't use regular seating systems because of her neurogenic scoliosis. NAF purchased a Special Tomato Soft-Touch chair requested by her doctor.

Caoimhe - March 2020
Caoimhe, 8 years old, has a tethered spinal cord and is blind and deaf. Her doctor reached out to us to help them get an adaptive stroller with a 5-point harness as Caoimhe had outgrown her old stroller. We loved providing her with a Maclaren Major Elite Adaptive Stroller. Now she can go on lots of outings! "It was such a surprise to come home from the hospital and have the stroller waiting for us. It's perfect! You have been an answer to our prayers for sure." ~ Caoimhe's mother

Christian - March 2020
Christian, age 4. NAF just helped make his home accessible by building a large ramp on the front of his home and widening his doorway inside. Now Christian is able to get in and around his house by himself!

Blanca M. - February 2020
We had the privilege of delivering a power chair to 27 year old Blanca. Blanca's family had asked for a power chair to help her drive herself as she wasn't able to push herself in her manual chair. Her smile says it all! This was her face from the moment she saw the chair come into her house. Thank you to everyone who contributes to making these priceless moments happen through NAF!

Keith - September 2019
"I am 52 years old and an Army veteran. On August 28th 2018 I was hit by a lady that ran a red light. In the accident my left shoulder was dislocated, 7 broken ribs, collapsed lung, lacerated kidney, broken hip, broken pelvis, and my left leg was amputated at the hip. I was paralyzed for the first 8 weeks after I woke up out of a coma 9 days later. Upon leaving the hospital I was fitted with a basic wheelchair that only just got me from point A to point B but not very comfortably and through a friend of mine I heard about the Neuro Assistance Foundation... You... are the reason why it was an Honor for me to serve in our nation's Armed Forces. Words cannot express the appreciation and gratitude that I have for you helping me out with a "real" wheelchair and not asking me for anything in return. You are the TRUE essence of the America I love, I am honored and privileged to know You."
Occupational Therapist II Spinal Cord Injury and Neuromuscular Program - May 2019
"I cannot thank you enough for helping my patient get this piece of equipment. It truly makes a difference in her shoulder preservation and independence with mobility. Thank you, thank you!!"
Verna - May 2019
"Thank you seems so inadequate for what I feel! The standing frame is magnificent and far exceeded my hopes and dreams. I can actually get into it by myself and I never thought that would be possible.
Many, many thanks to the foundation for making this possible".
Hank - May 2019
"My thanks to the Neuro Assistance Foundation for your generous contribution of a scooter and wheelchair for our patient.
I am so proud and grateful that the founders of First Baptist Medical Center and the contributions of your wonderful foundation have made it possible for this young woman from so far away to come to Dallas and receive the life-saving care and support she so desperately needed."

Jessica -January 2019
Jessica, 29, and her husband, Jeff, with their kids aged 18 months and 4 years. Jessica recently became paralyzed from Transverse Myelitis of her cervical spinal cord and brain stem. Jeff has had to cut back on his hours to assist in Jessica's care, as well as incurring child care expenses during this unexpected medical emergency. NAF was contacted to help this young family with their major expenses for two months while they navigate their way forward. We are so honored to be assisting in any way we can. "Thank you for all your help. We appreciate you and your team for helping us through this time".
Matt -November 2018
"Thank you for all that you have done for my family. The lift has been a life changing addition to our daily routine and could not have come at a better time now that we are expecting our first child, a little girl, in February. The lift has allowed my wife to remove the strain and stress of transferring me from my wheelchair manually and has benefited us greatly during the pregnancy. I could not be happier with the result and truly appreciate all that you do. Thank you!"
Chuck -December 2018
"As a recipient of home modifications from Neuro Assistance Foundation, I want to express my heart-felt appreciation to NAF for your wonderful support! Your grant has my residence much more ‘spinal cord injury’ friendly! Wishing you and the Foundation a blessed 2020!"

Jose - November 2018
We provide many different types of assistance here at NAF. One we enjoy giving is the gift of intensive therapy for those who didn't really receive enough when they were injured or have different needs due to the passing years. We are so happy to provide therapy assistance to Jose, age 55. Jose was injured in 1987 in a motorcycle accident and although he has lived with a T6 spinal cord injury for 31 years, this round of intensive therapy is sure to strengthen him for the coming years. Welcome to the NAF family, Jose!
Kimberly - October 2018
Kimberly, age 54, living with quadriplegia due to a car accident."To Neuro Assistance Foundation,I want to thank you for the wheelchair you have lent me and tell you how it has impacted me.It enabled me to go to the therapy room and get PT & OT that I would not have had if I had been bed bound. It enabled me to interact with other patients which was very healing. I learned a card game from a gentleman that was fun. He would ask the therapists if I was coming to therapy that day. The therapy room has lots of windows and light which was a tremendous pick me up.The chair gave me independence. I was able to go outside and enjoy the courtyard and the fresh air. And the wheelchair gave me the privilege of eating my meals up in a chair. Thank you very much for what you have done for me!"

Thomas - September 2018
"You know, in today's world, so much is just crazy and beyond understanding. It's really great when I come across people and organizations that are genuinely helping to make things better, and you guys are doing that. Thanks again, and keep it up!"

Kathleen - August 2018
We received the wheelchair van as a donation and modified it so Kathleen could drive it with hand-controls. It has a 6-way power seat and a wheelchair ramp for her power chair. If you see Kathleen on the road, honk!
Adrienne - August 2018
Adrienne, age 23. Adrienne is living with quadriplegia. "Thanks a million for the standing frame! My family has been praying God would provide one for us since February! Answered prayer indeed. I appreciate Neuro Assistance Foundation more than I can explain!"

Shaydon - April 2018
Shaydon, age 30, is paralyzed from the chest down due to Transverse Myelitis presenting first at age 13. NAF provided assistance for therapy at REACT neuro rehab.

Rebecca Elizabeth - July 2018
Giving the gift of mobility is one of our favorite things! We were so honored to help Rebecca Elizabeth and her parents, Juan and Guadalupe, with some assistance with their downpayment on an adaptive vehicle. Rebecca was so excited with her new freedom!

Rylie - June 2018
Yesterday we were proud to help this young lady (17 years old) with her first vehicle. She started her first job today and to make her down payment, she sold her pig at the county fair for $6,000!
NAF was proud to give Rylie, and her service dog, Indi, some help with her down payment. Watch out world.....Rylie is strong, brave, kind and unstoppable!

Wayne - May 2018
Wayne is 27 and was involved in a motor vehicle accident where he sustained a spinal cord injury at the C5 level. Wayne will be going home soon after spending 2 months in the hospital and rehab facility. NAF got the call that Wayne needed some exterior ramps on the front and back of his home as well as needing a doorway widened to accommodate his power chair. We were so pleased to help this wonderful young couple! This is where your donations go!
Eric - May 2018
Eric was injured in 2013 in a car accident and is living with a C7 spinal cord injury. Eric had asked NAF to help him get a standing frame to improve his health. It was delivered to him today!
Randy - April 2018
Randy was the recipient of one of our loaner power chairs while he was waiting for his permanent chair to be delivered. Randy is paralyzed at the T5 level due to an epidural abscess.
NAF provided the specialized chair to Randy in June of last year. His permanent chair arrived this March!! Without NAF, Randy would have been bedridden for all those months.
Aracely - March 2018
As a result of your many generous donations, NAF was able to provide a new wheelchair to Aracely, age 39. Aracely sustained a spinal cord injury in 2004 in a car accident and is living with paraplegia. Sadly, Aracely's wheelchair was recently stolen and she came to NAF for help. We were very honored to get her rolling again!

Adrienne - January 2018
NAF was so honored to help Adrienne, 23, after she experienced a cervical spinal cord infarction in July, 2017. We were able to provide assistance with her manual chair and ramps for her home.

Jim - January 2018
Jim became a paraplegic after disc compression surgery two years ago. He needed a standing frame and we were able to deliver it to him this week!
Traci & Chris - January 2018
"After 2 months we are finally BACK IN ACTION!!!! Thank you United Access for doing all the conversions. BIG BIG Thanks to the VA and The Neuro Assistance Foundation for the funding of our van conversions. This wouldn't be possible without your support. Watch out y'all...here we come!"

Wisdom - October 2017
Wisdom is blind and he sees doctors at Texas Scottish Rite Hospital for Children for his scoliosis ( His spinal cord is at a curve of greater than 90 degrees in the thoracic region). Wisdom's father contacted NAF when their wheelchair accessible van needed repairs that they were unable to afford. The van was stuck in the repair shop and Wisdom had no way to get to doctor appointments without it. NAF was honored to pay for Wisdom's van repairs and he is now back on the road.
John - October 2017
John, 56, has been living with quadriplegia since 1981 when he sustained a C-5 spinal cord injury in a car accident. John worked as a systems analyst for 25 years but is now retired and has been having numerous problems with pressure sores. After several surgeries in the past year, his doctor ordered a specialized cushion, however, the cushion is not covered by Medicare and John couldn't afford it. John's social worker at the hospital reached out to NAF and we were happy to provide the ROHO pressure reducing cushion.
Hank - October 2017
Hank, 30, is a husband and father of 2, ages 6 & 3. In July of this year, Hank's truck rolled over when he tried to avoid a car pulling out in front of him. He received a T-9 spinal cord injury in the accident and is now living with paraplegia. Hank's wife, Laura, reached out to NAF for help getting medical supplies and equipment for his home to give him independence. We helped with catheters, a sliding board and a bed trapeze to help Hank get himself dressed and in/out of bed.
Winona - August 2017
Winona is living with familial spastic paraplegia. She came to NAF asking for assistance with therapy since her insurance won't pay for it. We were happy to help and gave her 3 months of intensive therapy at REACT in Addison. Her therapists will work on her mobility and core strength.
Logan - July 2017
She's 16 and recently had scoliosis surgery and her spine has been fused. We're so happy to let you know that Logan has joined our family and NAF will be sending her to 3 months of intensive rehab at REACT in Addison. This rehab is not covered by her insurance but it's going to help her so much! We're with you 100%, Logan!
Brandi - June 2017
Brandi, age 21, was born with spina bifida. NAF was able to help her by providing strength and conditioning training with two great groups, Special Strong ( www.specialstrong.com) and Powered to Move ( www.poweredtomove.org). Brandi is working hard and building her strength. She has increased cardio function and has gone from lifting 25 to 40lbs. Building her upper body strength will not only help her maintain independence as she ages but will also help her as she begins working towards track and field competitions.
Tony - June 2017
Tony, age 55, is living with paraplegia due to a spinal infection and nerve damage. NAF was contacted to help him get back into his home which had quite a few steps in front. We were happy to build a ramp for Tony so he could get into his home when he was discharged from Baylor Institute for Rehab.
Juan - May 2017
Juan, age 49, fell while working on a roof and sustained a spinal cord injury which paralyzed him from the neck down. Juan's family only had a manual wheelchair and no way to get him out of his home because they didn't have a wheelchair van. That all changed when Neuro Assistance received two separate donations recently - a power wheelchair and a wheelchair accessible van. Casey Stephens (pictured), with National Seating & Mobility, modified the donated wheelchair to a custom fit for Juan, and United Access of Arlington modified the wheelchair van to fit the chair. With both of those complete, we were able to give Juan the gift of mobility. His family tells us that Juan is looking forward to going to church and the flea market.
Emerald - May 2017
Emerald, age 7, is living with a secondary form of spinal cord damage called Conus Medullaris Syndrome. Emerald's mother was struggling to purchase her monthly catheters so NAF was happy to step in and assist until she is able to take over again. Catheters are an urgent and necessary expense but will fall on the sidelines when the decision must be made between food or medical supplies. Keeping Emerald infection free and at home is NAF's priority.
Kiley - April 2017
Kiley is 8 years old and she received a new iPad, grip-case and Assistive Communication software so she can speak through her iPad. She was so excited to start using the software. Kiley lives with spina bifida and several other major medical problems. Without the software, Kiley uses sign language but the Proloquo2Go program will allow her to communicate with people who don't sign. The gift of independence is priceless!
Kimberly - April 2017
She is 14 years old and NAF just provided her with an iPad, grip case and Assistive Communication software so she can talk via her iPad. This will increase her independence and allow everyone to understand what she is saying. Kimberly lives with Cerebral Palsy and a spinal disorder. Isn't she the sweetest?

Craig - February 2017
Craig sustained a T7 spinal cord injury when he was cutting down a tree in his yard and it fell on him. He is now living with paraplegia and needed a ramp for the 3 steps in front of his home as well as modifications to widen his doorway to accommodate his wheelchair. Craig went home the day after Valentine's Day and we were honored to make his home accessible for his return.
Jason - January 2017
Ten years ago Jason was in a car accident and he sustained a spinal cord injury above C1 which means he is paralyzed and must stay on a ventilator. His father, Chad, came to us looking for assistance in getting a reliable mobility van which would work for Jason and the rest of his family. Yesterday, NAF was so proud to present them with their new family vehicle. Many thanks go out to United Access in Carrollton for providing so much assistance. Seeing Jason's smile was amazing! When you see Jason around town in his new van, honk and wave!
Kimberly - December 2016
Kimberly, 54, sustained a C4 spinal cord injury in a car accident and is living with tetraplegia. NAF was able to provide a donated power wheelchair to Kimberly until her insurance provides a permanent one for her.
Syed - November 2016
Syed, age 64, sustained a C4 spinal cord injury in a car accident and is also living with tetraplegia. Syed needs home modifications to allow access for his large power wheelchair. Insurance will not provide any assistance with home modifications so NAF is helping to widen doorways and install a ceiling lift in his bedroom.
Ann - October 2016
Ann, 62, is living with paraplegia due to a tumor on her spine. Due to insurance, Ann was not able to order a wheelchair for a specific amount of time and she was in dire need of one. NAF was able to provide her with an interim wheelchair to fill in the gap
Jacquelyn - September 2016
She is 30 years old and is living with Transverse Myelitis which is a disorder of the spinal cord. NAF was contacted by a case manager at UT Southwestern asking if we could provide some assistance with rehab therapy for Jacquelyn.

Anthony - June 2016
Anthony's wife was 2 weeks pregnant when he had a motorcycle accident and sustained a spinal cord injury. NAF is helping Anthony with essential supplies.
Update September 2020
"I’ll Never forget the nights laying in that hospital bed thinking my life was over cuz I’m paralyzed & have to use a wheelchair, These days I just get out the house to be seen with my wheelchair. The chair is me, I LOVE ME. THE ONLY DISABILITY IN LIFE IS A BAD ATTITUDE Never give up
April - June 2016
Her adaptive van needed repairs and she contacted NAF to see if we could help. We jumped on it and after it was fixed, April sent us a text saying,
"thank you so much for everything your foundation does in helping me and others like me"
We were so happy to help get her back on the road. Her smile says it all!
Marcus - June 2016
We were so honored to repair his power wheelchair for him. Both the elevator and reclining functions were broken so he wasn't able to use it.
Thanks to Casey Stephens at National Seating and Mobility for the great repair work!
Karlie - May 2016
Karlie , age 10, was born with caudal regression and is paralyzed. She lives with her mother and sister and until recently, her healthcare needs had been covered by Medicaid. She lost that assistance when her mother recently returned to the workforce. With the loss of benefits, Karlie's mother was unable to pay for her essential supplies, including catheters. NAF was very honored to step in and help for the next 3-4 months while her mother works on obtaining healthcare coverage for Karlie
Royce - May 2016
Royce, age 75, suffered a spinal infarction and is now living with paraplegia. Unfortunately, Royce was going to go home from rehab to a house with stairs on the front and back. We were very honored to provide four ramps for his home to make the front and rear entrances accessible.
Jane - April 2016
She came all the way from Kenya to Dallas to be at Baylor Institute for Rehab - they're a world class facility! Jane was leaving church in Kenya when she was robbed and shot and she's now paralyzed. Jane's going to be moving in with her sister in Arlington and Neuro Assistance was proud to provide her with a donated chair and custom cushion. Jane was a journalist in Kenya and we really enjoyed meeting her today. She has such a positive outlook on life!
America - April 2016
America, age 15, was born with spina bifida. America's mother was having problems with her health insurance and her coverage was temporarily lost. America's mother was unable to afford the out-of-pocket cost of her monthly supply of catheters so NAF is going to pay for the next 3 month supply while her mother gets her coverage reinstated.
Wille - March 2016
Willie, age 19, was visiting Kansas City when he sustained a traumatic spinal cord injury from a gunshot wound. His Case Manager at the University of Kansas Medical Center contacted NAF for help getting him some of the items he needed when he returned back home to North Texas. NAF provided specialized transfer bench and shower chair for use in his bathroom at home. His insurance will not cover those items because they are considered "bath aids" and therefore "unnecessary". This is the general rule of thumb with all insurance coverage, however, Willie can't take care of himself or bathe without them. It's definitely a gap in the system.
Jaidyn - March 2016
Jaidyn, age 13, was born with a congenital lipoma impacting her spinal cord and scoliosis among other problems. Jaidyn began using catheters about 4 months ago and her insurance has denied funding for those supplies. Jaidyn's parents are in the process of appealing that denial but in the interim, they aren't able to afford the out-of-pocket expense. NAF will be providing funding for her catheters for the next 3-6 months to allow Jaidyn's parents to complete the appeals process with their private insurance plan
Tia - December 2015
Tia was injured in a car accident and they needed assistance to modify her home for her wheelchair before her discharge. Tia is the mother of 4 beautiful children aged 16 months to 11 years. We were so happy to help get Tia home and we received such a beautiful "thank you" from Beau recently.
"Tia is progressing along well and thanks to the help, we are able to bathe her and get her into the bathroom without a problem. I literally do not know what I would have done without you. It is a miracle, one that I prayed for since the accident and God sent me an angel in the form of you and Bev, along with the other volunteers."
We're just so honored to have been able to help Tia and her family.
Patty - December 2015
She was injured in 2013 when she was thrown from her horse. NAF was so honored to provide a specialized exercise bike for Patty so she can keep her legs moving and swelling to a minimum. Look at that smile - I think she's excited! Here's to a healthy 2016 for Patty and her family.
Kiley - July 2015
We were so honored to help 6 year old Kiley and her family with an accessible van. Now Kiley and her mom will be able to go shopping, to the zoo, to the museum and everywhere in between. Check out Kiley inside her new van and a group photo of the friends who came out to participate.

Barbara - July 2015
She was injured 23 years ago in a skiing accident. She recently retired and is now depending on Medicare. When she tried to get a new chair, Medicare wouldn't pay for some functions that she needs. NAF was proud to help her with the $2,100 elevator function on her new chair. We wish her much happiness in her retirement!
David - April 2015
David is living with tetraplegia following an epidural hematoma which caused compression of his spinal cord. David and Paula's home wasn't accessible for his wheelchair so NAF was honored to help modify their home. We're happy to say that Paula is taking David home from rehab today.
Adiel R. - February 2015
Adiel, age 10, was referred to NAF by Texas Scottish Rite Hospital for Children. Adiel lives with spina bifida and his parents had been having trouble covering the copay of $156/month for his catheters. They requested assistance with funding for a 6 month supply of catheters and NAF was honored to provide the help.
Marcus G. - January 2015
Marcus, age 43, was injured in 1990 and uses a power wheelchair. Marcus' mother reached out to NAF because his wheelchair was broken and they couldn't afford to fix it. While it was broken, Marcus moved back into an old chair of his and ended up getting a pressure sore because the chair wasn't the right fit anymore. While Marcus was in the hospital dealing with the pressure sore, NAF repaired his power chair and delivered it to him in Fort Worth.
"I want to thank you for your help and concern. I love you and I thank God for you and NAF for doing this so needed action for Marcus" - Mary, Marcus' mother
Abigail G. - June 2014
We were so honored to help Abigail, age 15, with an amazing new bed. Abby was injured in a car accident in April and she is now living with a C4 spinal cord injury and quadriplegia. The Case Manager taking care of Abby at Baylor Institute for Rehabilitation contacted us to help her family modify their home with ramps. NAF was happy to provide a ramp in Abby's garage to help her enter her home but we were absolutely thrilled to have the opportunity to provide her with a top-of-the-line Hill-Rom hospital bed for her home. The $17,000 bed had been generously donated to NAF and in turn, we were proud to give it to Abby. The bed is a state-of-the-art marvel with weight based pressure redistribution to prevent pressure sores, low chair position for eating and caregiver assistance tools like "turn assist" to help Abby's mother take care of her daily needs. We delivered the 500 pound bed with the assistance of professional movers the day before Abby came home from rehab. Abby's mother, Esmeralda, is pictured here with the bed in their home.
Ronnie P. - May 2014
Ronnie, 29, was injured in a car accident in April. As a result, he is living with a C4 spinal cord injury and quadriplegia. Ronnie needed a specialized rolling shower chair which his insurance would not pay for because "bath aids" are not covered. NAF was proud to provide the chair and hope that it's helping Ronnie and his caregivers with his bathing needs.

Ruben F. - May 2014
Ruben, 75, is living with paraplegia due to a tumor on his spinal cord. His case manager asked NAF to help with putting a ramp on the front of his home. Ruben lives in a very rural area of the DFW Metroplex and it was difficult finding someone who would travel the distance to build the ramp. In this special case, Ruben's son-in-law stepped up and offered to build the ramp if NAF could provide the materials. We were happy to provide the supplies and here is a photo of the ramp they built for Ruben. It looks like it's a cat favorite!
Jamie P. - April 2014
Jamie, 52, is living with paraplegia as a result of a malignant spinal cord tumor at the thoracic level. Jamie's insurance would not pay for her bath aids so NAF was happy to provide her with a padded tub bench as requested by her case manager and occupational therapist. Jamie and her husband live in Rhome, TX and we hope that our assistance is making bathing time a little easier for everyone.

Andrew S. - October 2013
Andrew, 21, had a diving accident on July 4th and is living with tetraplegia. He needed a power wheelchair but his insurance had a maximum payout for durable medical equipment that was immediately used up by purchasing other equipment that he needed. NAF had just received a Permobil C300 power wheelchair as a donation (a value of $29,000) and it was brought directly to Andrew for him to use in rehab. The timing couldn't have been any better. We're so glad to see Andrew's handsome smile and are honored to be a part of his recovery.
Jerome G. - September 2013
Jerome, 29, had a mountain bike accident in July of this year. He suffered multiple injuries including a T11 burst fracture. Jerome lives in Dallas and was unable to access the front or back of his home due to stairs. NAF was proud to provide the ramps that were needed to grant him access.
Alvin P. - September 2013
Alvin, 74, was hit by a car while riding his bicycle. He sustained multi-level thoracic compression fractures and is now living with paraplegia. Alvin could not get in and out of his home due to stairs so NAF was happy to provide exterior ramps on his home.

Patricia W. - August 2013
Patricia, 51, fell from her horse and sustained a spinal cord injury to her C1-2 & C6-7 vertebrae. Patti needed a specialized rolling shower chair so that she could bathe. NAF was honored to provide her with the chair and her niece sent us these photos of Patti. Look at that beautiful smile! Her niece, Sarah, sent us a message that said:
Thank you so much again, words can not describe how thankful we are"
Stephanie H. - August 2013
Stephanie, 25, has recurrent transverse myelitis and is now living with T6 paraplegia. Stephanie lives at home with her mother in a two story house and all bedrooms are upstairs. NAF was honored to provide Stephanie with a chair lift on their stairway that would take her from the first floor to the second floor bedrooms.

Erica G. - May 2013
Erica, 38, was injured 7 years ago in a car accident that left her a paraplegic. The hand controls on her vehicle were old and were becoming dangerous and unpredictable so NAF had new hand controls installed for her. Now she's back out in her community of Hillsboro, TX. This photo shows Erica with her boyfriend, Lynn.
"I just want to thank you once again for the purchase of my hand controls, they are working really well for me." Erica

Richard M. - May 2013
Richard, 41, is living with T4 paraplegia after having surgery on his congenital lumbar, thoracic and cervical stenosis. Richards home was on a hill and was multiple levels inside. NAF was able to provide extensive outdoor ramps and interior ramps so that Richard would be able to get in, out and around his home.

Nicole - May 2013
Two years ago NAF had hand controls installed in Nicole's car - a few days ago, we received the nicest message on Facebook --
"You helped me drive again, almost two years ago! As you can see in the photo here, the drive stick - push to break, pull to go! Absolutely love it! Mr. Reed did such a great job matching it to my car! You truly blessed my life. Never thought I would have a chance to thank you. I saw your name pop up on people I may know. I've never forgotten your name; nor what you've done for me. God bless you, and those whom work with you, to give people like myself back independence".
Also, to Tom Reed at United Access from all of us here at NAF - Thanks for helping make this possible.
Vincent L. - April 2013
Vincent, 48, was injured at 16 years old in a gymnastics accident. He has been living with C6-7 quadriplegia for 32 years. Vincent's vehicle had a malfunctioning door and he was unable to pay for the costs to repair the van. NAF was proud to provide the repairs to his vehicle so he could be out and about in the community again.

Douglas W. - April 2013
Douglas, 58, has a variant of Guillian-Barre disease which causes paralysis. After finishing rehab at Baylor Institute for Rehabilitation, his therapists said that he needed a specialized, self propelling shower chair so he could bathe independently. NAF was very happy to provide him with the shower chair and with a standing frame.

Mike S. - February 2013
Mike, 52, was injured in a motorcycle accident in early December, 2012. He sustained a spinal cord injury at the C7 level is is now living with quadriplegia. Mike had insurance but his maximum allowable for Durable Medical Equipment was $2,500. Since Mike is 6' 5", he needed some very specialized equipment that his insurance was not going to pay for. His manual chair alone exceeded $6,000 and he needed a specialized shower chair, standing frame, power wheelchair and hoyer lift to name a few. NAF was honored to provide Mike with the hoyer lift and specialized shower chair in February.
Bana R. - May 2012
Bana, 27 years old, ustained a spinal cord injury in a motor vehicle accident earlier this year. Bana has a 5-year old and 3-year old twins at home. NAF has been privileged to provide home equipment and a rental wheelchair while Bana waits for her permanent wheelchair to be provided.
Tyler B. - May 2012
Tyler, 14 years old, was diagnosed at birth with Spina Bifida. Tyler recently spent 2 1/2 months at Texas Scottish Rite Hospital for treatment of a chronic stage 4 pressure wound. Tyler's doctor prescribed a specialized pressure redistribution mattress for lifetime use, but his parents were unable to afford the expensive mattress. NAF was honored to provide a ROHO Sofflex 2 Mattress System for Tyler.

Clenton W. - April 2012
Meet client Clenton W.'s son! Clenton is age 49 with a wife and a three year old son. Clenton is living with quadriplegia and is also legally blind. Clenton was unable to reach parts of his house as there were different levels and doorways that were too narrow for his wheelchair. NAF built interior ramps and widened doorways to make his whole home accessible. We're so glad to add to a happy household and a lovely family!
Tanner P. - August 2011
Tanner, 17 years old, was out on a boat this summer and did a back-flip off the side into water that was too shallow. Tanner is paralyzed from the neck down but his therapists feel that he could regain some mobility in his arms if he continues to work towards that goal. His therapists wanted Tanner to have a power wheelchair and a manual wheelchair to help him work at regaining mobility. His insurance would only pay for one wheelchair so his family had them purchase his power chair. NAF assisted Tanner by purchasing a TiLite ZRA manual wheelchair for him to use.
Erica A. - June 2011
Erica, 21 years old, was involved in a motor vehicle accident which left her living with paraplegia. Erica did not have insurance and wasn't eligible for any support from government sources so NAF helped improve her living conditions by providing her with a Quickie Q7 manual wheelchair.

Nancy P. - July 2010
Nancy P. and Leah Gardner, Director of Removing Limits Through Technology, UCP
Nancy was the victim of a shooting and is now a spinal cord injured quadriplegic. Nancy was unable to take care of her three children due to her injury and they were relocated to Christ's Haven for Children. Nancy wanted to be able to communicate with her children on a daily basis so NAF provided her with Dragon Naturally Speaking voice recognition software for her computer. Nancy is now able to use her voice to send/read emails and stay connected with her children.
The photo shows Nancy with Leah Gardner, Director of Removing Limits Through Technology at United Cerebral Palsy of North Texas. Leah and UCP have assisted several of NAF's clients with diagnostic testing as well as training in assistive technology. Our thanks go out to Leah and UCP for their amazing support of NAF and our clients.
Milton R. - September 2009
Milton was diagnosed with a tumor on his spinal cord and recently became confined to a wheelchair. Milton needs to go for dialysis several times a week and his wife was having difficulty getting him out of their home because of their front steps. NAF had a ramp built on the front of Milton's home so that his wife could safely transport him to and from dialysis treatments.

Travis D. - August 2009
Travis is 18 years old and was injured in an automobile accident in December, 2008. The accident left Travis a T11-L3.L1 paraplegic. He lives with his parents and is able to get around his house and out into his yard, but he was unable to get into his mother's vehicle because it was too high for him to transfer from his wheelchair to the passenger seat.
NAF had his mother's vehicle lowered to enable a transfer from wheelchair to seat. Travis is now able to go anywhere he would like and since his favorite hobby is fishing, we're pretty sure he'll be spending a lot of time at the lake. "Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your help. You have truly made our lives more bearable. Now it will not feel like Travis is a prisoner in our home."
Cheryl D. - Travis' mother
Iram A. - August 2009
Iram was injured in a robbery when she was shot in the face and the bullet severed her spinal cord. She is now a quadriplegic. Iram's husband asked NAF to help keep Iram connected to her friends and family. NAF responded by providing Iram with Dragon Naturally Speaking voice recognition software for her computer. Iram is now able to use her voice to send emails and stay connected with her friends and family.
Terri Y. - December 2008
Terri received a fully adaptive mini-van in December 2008. The van was donated by Gary Coleman in memory of his sister Candace Coleman. The mini-van is equipped with a power ramp, 6-way power seat and hand controls.
Terri was injured in 2002 in an automobile accident. Until she received her van, Terri had been using a car with hand controls. Each time she drove, she had to breakdown her wheelchair and lift the pieces over her to the passenger seat and then reassemble them at her destination. After doing this for years, Terri tore her shoulder and needed surgery. This ended her driving.
With her new van, Terri can roll inside, transfer to her seat and drive off. Neuro Assistance Foundation was privileged to receive this generous donation from Gary Coleman. He has changed Terri's life immeasurably with his generousity. "I never thought I'd be able to have a van like this. I feel like I have an angel on my shoulder whenever I drive it!
Terri Y. - recipient of van donated in the name of Candace Coleman