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Deeply Involved in Clients' Lives

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One Cause • One Goal

A Better Life and a WIN for Everyone

How Can You Help? Every Effort Makes A Difference.

Inspiring Limitless Independence

The Neuro Assistance Foundation is a non-profit organization dedicated to assisting spinal cord injured and disabled individuals in the Dallas/Fort Worth, Greater Houston, and Austin areas to achieve self-sufficiency and mobility through assistive vehicles, equipment, technology and home modifications. NAF provides the tools and assistance necessary for our clients to achieve limitless independence. Our services are a small investment in comparison to the independence and pride experienced by those we help. What greater gift can be given to someone whose mobility has been lost?

According to a recently released study initiated by the Christopher & Dana Reeve Foundation, 1 in 50 Americans are living with paralysis. This is over 1 million more people than previously estimated. Nationwide, 5.6 million people are paralyzed and 1.3 million have a spinal cord injury. NAF is helping more people than ever before...Get Involved Today!

Founded 2008 - Celebrating 17 Years of Service in 2025!

Client Highlights: Jason

Jason is 13 years old and was injured in a car accident several years ago. He is living with a C1 spinal cord injury and is paralyzed from the neck down and dependent on a respirator. Jason is a 7th grader and loves video games like most boys his age. His favorite shows are Adventure Time, Teen Titans and the Amazing World of Gumball. Because of the generosity of our donors and supporters,  NAF was able to provide an adaptive van to Jason and his family.


Client Highlights: Stephen MacKintosh

Meet Stephen MacKintosh, one of the awesome NAF board members, shares his inspiring successes with NAF's assistance.  Listen to his story - it's worth your time!

What does NAF mean for the DFW metroplex?

There are currently 28,000 spinal cord injured people living in our area. It seems that everyone knows someone touched by spinal cord injury or disability. These friends, neighbors and family are living with a condition that affects every aspect of their lives. The activities that able bodied people take for granted are sometimes insurmountable tasks for people living with paralysis. The Neuro Assistance Foundation is dedicated to improving the quality of life for the spinal cord injured and disabled in our community - now more than ever.

NAF is helping more people than ever before...Get Involved Today!

Client Testimonials

  • Tia

    "Tia is progressing along well and thanks to the help, we are able to bathe her and get her into the bathroom without a problem. I literally do not know what I would have done without you. It is a miracle, one that I prayed for since the accident."

    - Beau, Tia's brother

  • Thomas

    "You know, in today's world, so much is just crazy and beyond understanding. It's really great when I come across people and organizations that are genuinely helping to make things better, and you guys are doing that. Thanks again, and keep it up!"

    - Thomas, age 49, living with quadriplegia from mountain biking accident

  • Adrienne

    "Thanks a million for the standing frame! My family has been praying God would provide one for us since February! Answered prayer indeed. I appreciate Neuro Assistance Foundation more than I can explain!"

    - Adrienne, age 23, living with quadriplegia

  • Travis

    "Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your help. You have truly made our lives more bearable. Now it will not feel like Travis is a prisoner in our home."

    - Travis' mother - Travis is 18 years old, living with paraplegia from a car accident

  • Kimberly

    "I want to thank you for the wheelchair you have lent me and tell you how it has impacted me. It enabled me to go to the therapy room and get PT & OT that I would not have had if I had been bed-bound. It enabled me to interact with other patients, which was very healing. I learned a card game from a gentleman - that was fun! He would ask the therapists if I was coming to therapy that day. The therapy room has lots of window and light which was a tremendous pick me up. The chair gave me independence. I was able to go outside and enjoy the courtyard and the fresh air. And the wheelchair gave me the privilege of eating my meals up in a chair. Thank you very much for what you have done for me"

    - Kimberly, age 54, living with quadriplegia